Monday, December 8, 2014


The end of 2014 is approaching fast. With the Christmas decorating done I'm sitting back with an ice pack on my knee and some hot chai tea to enjoy the Christmas tree and think about the year that is winding down.

I'm an introvert, no big surprise to anyone who knows me. It's not that I don't like people, it's not that I'm a snob and it's certainly not that I have nothing to say. I do prefer to listen, I figure if you actually seek me out to talk to me I should at least be a good listener to make up for my lack of sparkling conversational skills. If I'm quiet don't assume I'm bored or thinking my own thoughts, I'm really listening and if I have something to say I will say it.

So why start reflecting now? I am a procrastinator after all, so shouldn't I be doing this on December 31 while I decide if I want to stay up to welcome 2015 in?

In truth I'm in a reflective mood anyway and might as well take advantage of it. Plus there is a brindle boxer draped over my legs and if anyone thinks I'm waking that sleeping dog they obviously don't know me well. There is a strong possibility that my dog is completely spoiled. Plus, my mother always taught me to let sleeping dogs lie. There's definitely a sleeping dog snoring across my legs so I'll write until she rolls over and falls off at which time I'll be laughing too hard to write anything.

2014 was amazing. I learned that change doesn't mean the end, it means the beginning of a new adventure. I learned that just because a person's role in my life might change, doesn't mean I am losing them as an important support person. I learned that the amount of ridiculousness I can bear up under is considerable.

Most importantly, I learned that just because I've thoroughly planned something doesn't mean it will go as I think it should: I'm strong and I'm stubborn, but even my will isn't that strong. Life happens people, face it. You can obsessively plan every last detail in your life and fall apart when your plans get changed without warning, or you can plan, prepare and embrace the uncertainty. I'm not saying I love uncertainty or that I'm anything approaching spontaneous in my life, but there are occasions when I can go with the flow without whining, kicking and screaming.

So in the spirit of reflecting I would like to list the things that I accomplished in 2014. Some of these accomplishments make me proud. Some make me glad they are over.

1. I completed my second Tough Mudder at Mount Snow. Seriously, I NEED therapy. Instead of signing up for one that isn't on a ski mountain I'm signed up for my third go-round at Mount Snow. Bring on 2015.

2. I attempted a Spartan Sprint. Yes, attempted is the proper verb. It was not a stellar experience, but it WAS a learning experience. I learned a great many things that day...

3. I discovered box jumps. Sadly with the bruised meniscus I am temporarily sidelined from box jumps, but I can't wait to get back to them. I know I'll be trying them the next time they show up in a workout and if they don't hurt I'll be a jumping fool...or is that just "a fool"?

4. Rope climbs. Okay, so as of the moment I am writing this I have not actually completed a rope climb. I have climbed a ladder to the sixth rung, hung onto the rope like a monkey and then tried to go down with something resembling control and a minimum of cursing. The climb part is coming...I can feel it and I welcome it.

5. I opened up to change. Okay, so that was mostly brought about by necessity, but I could have stuck steadfastly to my comfort zone and routine, albeit in a new location. I gave the change a chance and I am happy. I was happy before, please don't misunderstand, but change doesn't always have to be negative. If you are open to something new change can be just what is needed.

6. I discovered I do what I do because I truly love it. I thought for awhile that I exercised only out of habit, that I didn't really enjoy it. Then there was a time that it was only habit that led me to complete my workouts and I missed the feeling of accomplishment when I finished. I truly love what I do. It has made me a stronger, better person overall. I don't take for granted one second of time that the fitness professionals I know have invested in me.

I have plans to make 2015 even more amazing than 2014. Some of them  involve events I will participate in. One is a plan to pay it forward in what I hope will be a meaningful way. Another means I will continue to learn, grow and evolve into the person I want to be. I will become more athletic, stronger, fitter and above all a kinder, more humble person. I will become the person I am meant to be.

I do hope you will join me. I am sure it will be a journey to remember.

As always, thanks for reading!  

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