Monday, July 27, 2015

Then and Now...

As I am sitting in front of the television watching American Ninja Warrior and still dreaming I thought I would look through the pictures on my Facebook page and see if I could see a difference in my body over time.

I don't see a difference. I see the difference in what I am doing in the pictures, but I don't see a change in the body. What I notice most is the person I have always been deep inside finally coming to the fore. She doesn't feel she has to hide or pretend to be someone she isn't in order for people to like her. Some will like me and some won't. I can't control that, nor do I want to. Everyone has their own journey and I respect that.

I am still reluctant and very slow to trust, but I know if I am betrayed I will survive it. I am not fragile, I will not break. I might cry, I will hurt, but there is no quit in me. I thought there was at one time. I was convinced the world would go on and be a far better place without me. Yes, I considered a permanent solution to temporary obstacles and problems. No more: I am here to stay.

Thanks for taking the time to read and look at the pictures. It's been one hell of a ride and it isn't over yet. Brace yourselves.

December 2010

July 2011

October 2012
September 2013

May 2014
March 2015
There it is...some of the journey in pictures. Thanks for taking time out of your day to look. 

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